Essence & Critique: Journal of Literature and Drama Studies (ISSN 2791-6553) is published twice a year
in June and December. The journal is an open access, peer-reviewed, academic e-journal aiming to publish original
and international research articles that bring solutions to issues and examines scientific issues and problems in all
subfields of literatures, theatre, drama and performance studies, and cultural studies. Each submitted article is
evaluated by at least two referees of the field expert and the final result is reported to the authors within three
Önder Çakırtaş (Bingöl University)
Associate Editors
Gloria Lee McMillan (University of Arizona)
Paul Innes (United Arab Emirates University)
Daniela Radler (Bucharest University of Economic Studies)
Book Review Editors
Valerie L. Guyant (Montana State University)
James Jarret (Colchester Institute and UCC)
International Advisory Board
Bill Ashcroft (New South Wales University Sydney)
Editorial Assistants
Marietta Kosma (University of Oxford)
Joela Lapleau-Girard (University of Tours)
Azranur Elif Sucuoğlu (TED University)
Muhammed İkbal Candan (Van Yüzüncü Yıl University)
Burak Raşit Oçak (Bahçeşehir University)
Essence & Critique: Journal of Literature and
Drama Studies (ISSN 2791-6553) invites
submissions for the seventh issue on
Literature, Culture and Drama. Please send a
digital copy of the complete manuscript to
Essence & Critique: Journal of Literature and
Drama Studies at
Friday November 15th, 2024.